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Retro Peritoneal Fibrosis
Retro Peritoneal Fibrosis

There is retroperitoneal soft tissue mass surrounding the aorta, illiac vessels and ureters whichis usually dark on T1W and T2W images as seen in our case.

Patient presents with pain and ureteric obstruction, as in our case.

CT Guided biopsy was performed and confirmed the diagnosis of RPF

Diagnosis - Uterine Arterio - Venous Malformation

25 Yr old female presented with bleeding per vagina since last 3 days. History of D and C before year. On Usg, large illdefined hypoechoic lesion in anterior wall of uterus with mixed arterial and venous waveforms within.On MRI, intense enhancement of the lesion with multiple flow voids in anterior wall of body of uterusDilated & prominent right paramatrial vessels, right uterine and internal illiac arteries are noted.

Diagnosis - Uterine Arterio - Venous Malformation

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